Does the $500 million Jobs Compact for Ethiopia represent innovative finance for development or a risky gamble?
Tag: aid
Agility trumps analysis for international NGO strategy
These are tricky times for shaping NGO strategy. The business model for the traditional UK and European agencies may be broken. Let’s go on holiday
The shock doctrine of climate activism
Never let a good crisis go to waste is the inspiration of the Robin Hood Tax campaign. Does this imply that climate change campaigners must bide their time until the next Hurricane Katrina?
Bonus pools plumb depths of injustice
A scandal of global inequality will unfold over coming weeks as investment banks declare their results. Without our taxes, there would have been no bonuses.
Public image of aid threatens climate talks
Critics of the aid industry point to Kenya where rampant government corruption has not stopped the aid flowing. If the Copenhagen talks are to succeed, we need more positive attitudes towards aid.
Sri Lanka finesses its IMF loan
Over the last year the Sri Lankan government has upset UN agencies, outraged human rights groups and insulted European ministers. Why has the IMF agreed to a $2.6 billion loan facility?
Time to burst Dambisa’s bubble
Critics of Dambisa Moyo’s Dead Aid are missing the point. Worse still, by conducting the debate on her territory, they provide fodder for the anti-aid media circus and damage prospects for the Copenhagen climate change negotiations.
How can poor countries fight the credit crunch?
Anger is brewing amongst African governments as their economies are undermined by a crisis for which they are not responsible. They lack the monetary tools available to countries attending the G20 London Summit.
Whatever is necessary for the economy
Rich countries must be really scared of something if they’re prepared to find such crazy amounts to rescue their banks. “Doing whatever is necessary” betrays some painful truths about our economic priorities.