A comparison of the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report on the science of climate change with the First Assessment from 1990 raises some awkward questions.
Tag: climate science
Lord Stern calls for new generation of climate models
Lord Stern says that shortcomings in climate models handicap decision-making by politicians. But he concedes that new models will not be ready in time.
Give this conference the third degree on global warming
The Planet Under Pressure 2012 conference is in need of a legacy. Scientists should be encouraged to say what they think about the prospects for limiting global warming to two degrees. The consequences could be profound.
Clutching at straws of climate data
Rebuilding colonial-era networks of meteorological stations is a consistent refrain of climate adaptation plans in Africa.
Hansen strikes fear into Nansen conference
Dr James Hansen had a serious message inbetween the apocalpytic scenarios of his presentation at the Nansen Conference in Oslo.
I am no longer a climate change sceptic
Climate change sceptics should watch Michel Jarraud talk about the Russian heat wave of 2010. The Secretary-General of the World Meteorological Organization told the Cancun climate conference that the temperatures were “off the scale.”
McKibben can revive moody Monbiot
George Monbiot sounds very depressed at recent events. Bill McKibben of 350.org seems inspired. Perhaps the two should compare notes.
Do-it-yourself climate forecasting
Climate change scientists may be adopting new tactics in the fightback against scepticism. The weather is already changing so rapidly that we don’t need those complicated predictions of the future.
Make haste for IPCC Fifth Assessment
Climate change sceptics tell us not to worry so much whilst many respected scientists such as James Lovelock warn that it’s too late. We won’t know who to believe until the science improves.
Time to snap out of the two degree trance
Vulnerable nations such as Tuvalu made some progress at Copenhagen last week in questioning the right of rich countries to regard two degrees as the safe limit of global warming. More momentum could scupper the talks.