The Doha COP18 negotiations took a step towards compensating poorer countries for climate damages. How critical was the influence of Hurricane Sandy?
Tag: loss and damage
COP18: NGOs propose mechanism for loss and damage
At the UN climate talks in Doha, a group of leading NGOs reports on why adaptation to climate change has limits and that we have to face up to the implications of loss and damage caused by extreme events.
COP18 Doha UN climate talks Nov 27
Germenwatch releases its Global Climate Risk Index with a warning to negotiators to pay more attention to loss and damage. And David Kaluba of Zambia sets out demands for climate finance from the poorest countries.
Durban climate talks must grapple with loss and damage
Progress on the implications of loss and damage arising from climate change has been slow since the 2010 Cancun climate conference. The 2011 Durban round may come under pressure.
Hansen strikes fear into Nansen conference
Dr James Hansen had a serious message inbetween the apocalpytic scenarios of his presentation at the Nansen Conference in Oslo.
Developing countries bid for climate change litigation
Scientists and academics in South Asia are calling on environmental groups to campaign for international laws which would enable developing countries and their citizens to claim compensation for damages caused by global warming.
CancĂșn path to climate compensation culture
Global economic recession prevented the CancĂșn climate change conference from achieving any meaningful progress. But the small print may contain significant acceptance that global warming causes “loss and damages”.
Obama BP tirade opens door to climate reparations
President Obama may be winning votes by piling up the oil spill compensation costs for BP. But is he creating a precedent for environmental damages that climate change activists can exploit?