Is Africa split over future of the Kyoto Protocol? Can REDD survive without a second commitment period? Are the BASIC countries singing from the same hymn sheet on climate change? Key questions for the climate talks next week.
Cancún condemns ocean acidification to footnote
The Cancún climate change agreement pays little attention to the threat of ocean acidification. Environmental campaigners should do more to redress the balance.
Cancún path to climate compensation culture
Global economic recession prevented the Cancún climate change conference from achieving any meaningful progress. But the small print may contain significant acceptance that global warming causes “loss and damages”.
How to get high on ambition in Cancún
Climate change negotiations in Cancún appear to be deadlocked. But what do ministers really think? What do their children think? A truth drug would transform the conference result.
The US Emperor brings no clothes to Cancún
The US position in the Cancún climate change conference is that “nothing is agreed until everything is agreed.” Can it deliver its own side of this bargain?
Do we really love the Kyoto Protocol?
Is the Kyoto Protocol as important as NGO campaigners claim? Why not concentrate efforts on improving the Copenhagen Accord? The UN climate change conference in Cancún must resolve its divisions over the shape of a long term agreement.